Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Nationality Oriented Leadership

Leadership today is often practiced with an individualistic spirit that does not comply with a collectivistic national culture and could also trigger various problems. To address the needs and demands of this diverse nation we need leadership run by the spirit of togetherness (shared leadership), mutual support, sharing, and a reciprocated enrichment of knowledge and experience in both practical and strategic level, to solve the nation's problems systemically. We needs a strong nation oriented leadership, who are willing to put away self-interest, parties, and groups for the sake of nation and state.
Leadership development must become a mainstream as an integral part of efforts to resolve crisis as well as part of preparations towards a better future. Given the complexity and magnitude challenges of this nation, we need so many leaders. The more sources of leadership appear the better for the development of this nation. Therefore, we should encourage establishment of leadership development centers in various fields, both in civilian and military institutions, also in political organizations, community organizations, professional organizations and other community groups.
Diversity and complexity of problems faced requires strategic leadership qualities in various fields and at all levels. To deal with the diversity and complexity we can learn from various sources both inside and outside the country, including from the Military institution, which is one of the potential source and has certain values. Many benefits can be took by learning traditions and culture as well as the military leadership, such as discipline, focusing on the strategic process, respecting the systems and procedures and also upholding the commitment. The ability to mobilize massive resources and a broad-based recruitment pattern combined with placement / assignment pattern and accustomed to perform an activity called "war gamming" makes a military / police familiar with managing diversity and complexity of issues .
All of us needs a nation oriented leadership in every layer of life, with the characteristics as written above. Leadership development which is nation oriented should be non-bureaucratic and non-doctrinaire. This may be done by understanding better the nation’s cultural values ​​in contemporary and contextual that is not jargoned and myth. Implementation should be planned, designed, and organized systematically. The material presented must also include the diversity which is guided by a "nanny" who is qualified, experienced, and understands the nation context.

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